5 Winter Wellness Tips

Coughing, sneezing, and chills, oh my! This time of the year is filled with colds and flus alike - and let’s be honest, we do not have time to catch a bug.


As the RPM PR team juggles work and life, we strongly believe in the importance of showing up - and feeling your best - in order to have the most productive day. We take our health seriously, and have a few tips and tricks to avoid #sickdays.

  1. Sip on Starbucks’s Medicine Ball: We👏swear👏by👏this👏. This lemonade tea is filled with natural decongestants and vitamin C, key ingredients for kicking the common cold. After a few sips, you’ll be feeling so much better.

  2. Sweat it out: Nothing beats a good gym sesh to get the toxins out and your blood flowing. Our favorite forms are hot yoga, a class at The Bar Method, or a classic run on the treadmill. Get movin’.

  3. Drink Up: While drinking water might seem like a no-brainer, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to hydrate throughout the day. Add a few slices of lemon to your glass for a refreshing detox.

  4. Lassen’s Wellness Shot: Our CEO Rae Matson sips on this the moment she starts to feel down and out. Organic ginger, lemon, cayenne, and garlic is this boss babe’s favorite cure.

  5. Essential Oils: These bad boys have been known to be the cure-alls for allergies, the flu, and colds alike. We recommend diffusing some tea tree oil (known for its infection-fighting powers), rosemary (to purify the air), eucalyptus, lemon, and chamomile to get you back on your feet.

Sending you all of the good vibes, Purell, and Kleenex this season.