Fierce Femmes: Betsy Hays and Jan Edwards of the Central California Women's Conference
Some might refer to Betsy Hays and Jan Edwards as “legendary.” We wouldn’t disagree. These two ladies are veterans of the media and communications scene, now teaching up-and-coming media and marketing professionals at California State University, Fresno. While both of these #FierceFemmes focus on educating the next generation, they are also passionate about their work as consultants for one of the largest women’s events in the Valley - the Central California Women’s Conference.
Each year, the Central California Women’s Conference (CCWC) brings thousands together for a day of enrichment, fun, and community impact.
Betsy Hays, PR/Speaker Coordinator for CCWC
“CCWC makes people’s lives better – through the conference itself, through our scholarship programs for high school and re-entry college women, and through our grant program that supports community benefit organizations that lift up women and children,” says Betsy Hays, PR/Speaker Coordinator for CCWC. “CCWC provides speakers and information designed to transform and inspire, as well as a day for women to pause and focus on themselves. It’s a true blessing to all involved.”
Jan Edwards, Director of Development and Marketing for CCWC
While attending CCWC, women can expect “passion, joy and a rekindling,” adds Jan Edwards, Director of Development and Marketing for the conference. “I hear year in and year out that CCWC really does change lives. Our attendees let us know that CCWC is, first of all, something they do exclusively for themselves. They see friends they haven’t seen in a while – or bump into that important business associate that they connect with in a totally different context. The vibe is really joyful. Our speakers bring out so many emotions among our audience. Folks are laughing and crying while charting new territory in their life’s canvas. It’s really inspirational.”
Inspirational, indeed. The conference features impactful speakers from the Valley, along with keynote speakers such as Maria Shriver (2018), and this year, Tyra Banks.
For Jan Edwards, the woman in her life who inspires her the most is her mother. “My mother, Florence (Flo) Hill, was appropriately born in the year 1920, the same year women got the right to vote,” says Jan. “She championed women’s rights in the Deep South when gender equality was unheard of. She taught me that with hard and smart work anything can be accomplished, regardless of how the deck is stacked. We still have a long way to go in gender equality, but Flo taught me never to give up until every person earns equal pay for equal work.”
While both Jan and Betsy help to coordinate this opportunity for women to get connected, they themselves serve as leaders for women in the community. Betsy advises other women to “think deeply about how you want to show up for the different roles in your life – what words do you want to use to describe yourself in each part of your world?” she explains. “Then, pause each day to set your intentions to do just that.”
From left to right: Mary Stabelfeld, Teri Amerine, Nené Casares, Tracy Kiritani, Tricia Holt, and Victoria Bernhardt.
The Central California Women’s Conference team is comprised of eight women who are all #fierce. Between Nene Casares, a philanthropist and retired Community Relations Coordinator for The Fresno Bee; Victoria Bernhardt, a partner at McCormick Barstow LLC; Teri Amerine, Chief Philanthropy Officer at Saint Agnes Medical Center; Tracy Kiritani, Chief Financial Officer of Community Regional Medical Center and Clovis Community Medical Center; Tricia Holt, Non-profit/Marketing Consultant and AFLAC Agent; Mary Stabelfeld, Conference Director; and Jan and Betsy; the team members bring their individual touches together to make the conference as special as it is.
“One of the Webster’s Dictionary definitions of ‘fierce’ is ‘determined’,” explains Jan, “and I think the Board of Directors of CCWC and the consultants are just that – fierce. For example, Conference Director Mary Stabelfeld, who has worked on this conference all 32 years, worked her way up from a typist to Director. All of us are Fierce Femmes! We work tirelessly to create an event that is fiercely awesome. We lift each other up and strive to do the same for the women of the Valley.”
How lucky we are to have #FierceFemmes spreading their magic in our community.
The Central California Women’s Conference happens September 17th. Our team is thrilled to be attending, with other Fierce Femmes Gia Kazarian and Erin Melkonian as session speakers. Throughout the day of the conference, can follow along on our stories at @rpmpr on Instagram.